
So you want to know about me, or about what this blog is about or something apparently. I mean otherwise why would anyone read a page entitled “about” unless you are greatly misguided individual, which then I would suggest Hare Krishna.

Well I’m a man, at least last time I took a shower, and wait…yep still there. I’m married. I live in Wisconsin. Currently I live in a city in Door County, but have no intention of staying here. My home is northeast of Wausau. Not sure why I want to get back there so much. Family? Familiarity? Stubbornness? Or is it just that I can’t stand living in town? By the way Door County is a nice place; just not for me.

However I am here. I had to move because four years after I get out of college I finally got a job related to my degree! I’m a special education teacher. Granted I went to school to become a social studies teacher but couldn’t get a job with that so I went back to school for special education….but my ass is in a school. Actually the more I’m with those kids the more I enjoy it. It can be a challenge, but it is fun. The only problem is the paperwork. I hate paperwork.

I’m a coach. Oh and yes that was my transition statement thank you very much every English teacher who is going through this with a flipping comb. In fact that is the reason I got into teaching. Coaching drew me to the joy of working with kids. I’ve coached football for six years at every level in schools. For the most part I have enjoyed every second. I coach the offensive and defensive line; that is where my heart is. I was not a great player but I like to think I’m a hell of a better coach.  I’m also a track coach.  I didn’t think I would enjoy that as much but after seven season coaching the shot put and discus I realize the more relaxed environment is fantastic.  I assume this blog will turn more to football and track rants during those seasons.  However as I write this our football season just ended.

So why am I writing this?  With the positives of being married (oh and such a fantastic wife), having a job, and coaching, the reality of myself is that I am depressed and have high anxiety.  It sucks.  I deal with kids everyday that for one reason or another have every right to be depressed or anxious.  Their background or living situations suck.  My background is fantastic.  For whatever reason though I am what I am.   For people who are wondering if depression or anxiety are that bad; it can be.  What it does more than anything is just make normal things seem so difficult.  It messes with your self confidence and your mind.  The simple act of making breakfast or watering your plants seems like an impossibly complex tasks.  Sound silly, well fuck you too….

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